Dietmar Heise


Dietmar Heise, Rechtsanwalt and partner at the law firm BUSE in Stuttgart

Dietmar Heise, Rechtsanwalt and partner at the law firm BUSE in Stuttgart

Dietmar Heise, Rechtsanwalt and partner at the law firm BUSE in Stuttgart

Dietmar Heise is a partner in our Stuttgart office. He has been advising primarily medium-sized and large companies and groups of companies on employment law issues for around 30 years, as well as advising executive bodies and managers on the establishment, structuring and termination of employment.

He has many years of experience in the restructuring of businesses and companies, including those close to insolvency, in the negotiation of works agreements, reconciliation of interests, social plans and collective agreements as well as in advising on transfers of undertakings. Dietmar Heise deals intensively with agile work, German and European requirements for remuneration structures as well as employment and social security status issues.

Before joining BUSE, Dietmar Heise worked for many years as a partner at a major international law firm in Stuttgart, where he was responsible for providing employment law advice. Prior to that, he was a member of the executive board of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) and at the same time managing director of its service company GDA. Among other things, he was head of labor law and collective bargaining policy at the parent company of a large retail group. Dietmar Heise was an honorary judge at labor courts for thirteen years, including at the Federal Labor Court. He was an honorary member of a (collective bargaining) negotiating committee in a trade employers‘ association and also managed the business of a small employers’ association on a part-time basis, where he also accompanied collective bargaining negotiations. In an honorary capacity, he is also Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Württemberg Fencing Association.

Dietmar Heise is the author of numerous books, book contributions and articles. He holds lectures and seminars both in-house and for external organizers.


  • JUVE Handbuch 2024/2025: Nennung unter “häufig empfohlen” in der Rubrik “Arbeitsrecht” (erste Nennung in 2022/2023, “konstruktiver Verhandler”, Wettbewerber)
  • Deutschlands Beste Anwälte 2012 –2025 (Handelsblatt und Best Lawyers): Empfehlung in der Rubrik “Arbeitsrecht”/”Labor and Employment Law”
  • Deutschlands Beste Anwälte (Handesblatt und Best Lawyers): Auszeichnung “Lawyer of the Year” in der Rubrik “Labor and Employment Law” 2013
  • The Legal 500 Deutschland 2024: Nennung in “City Focus Stuttgart” (erste Empfehlung in 2023)
  • 2022/2023: Empfehlung in der Rubrik “Arbeitsrecht” (erste Empfehlung in 2019/2020)
  • Kanzleien in Deutschland 2023: Empfehlung (erste Empfehlung in 2012, “wirklich ausgewiesener Experte”)

Main focus

  • Labor law aspects of restructurings (transfer of business and negotiation of reconciliation of interests, social plans and company collective agreements)
  • Works constitution law issues (works agreements, reconciliation of interests, social compensation plans, dealing with works councils, support for works council elections)
  • Collective bargaining and industrial action law
  • Matters concerning board members, managing directors and executives
  • Structuring agile projects and issues of employee leasing (temporary employment) under labor and social security law, including the distinction between the use of third parties by means of contracts for work or service contracts
  • Legal issues relating to remuneration (in particular the EU Remuneration Transparency Directive, Remuneration Transparency Act)