Jasper Hagenberg is a Partner and practices law with BUSE in the offices of Berlin and New York. He is admitted to practice in Germany (Berlin) and USA (State of New York).
After having simultaneously practiced in the field of corporate law for numerous years, especially advising publicly listed stock corporations in the entertainment, publishing and luxury goods industries, Jasper Hagenberg meanwhile entirely focusses the field of intellectual property. His practice specializes in trademark, copyright and media law. As the leader of the practice group Intellectual Property, Jasper Hagenberg mainly represents corporate clients, licensors and franchisors in trademark law, competition law and copyright matters both in and out of court. He also supports clients in the drafting and negotiation of contracts on a national and international scale. Brand protection and store branding has been a particular focus in this field.
Within the realm of his legal services related to the field of copyright law, Jasper has a particular focus on arts. He regularly represents well known and well recognized artists as well as galleries and art institutions within their activities in the art market and/or individual projects. His legal services in this context encompass the drafting and negotiation of contracts as well as litigation if not avoidable.
Prior to joining BUSE, Jasper Hagenberg worked for the foreign department of a large German bank as well as in the legal department of a leading global medical device company. Between the years of 2001 and 2006, Jasper Hagenberg lectured on national and international trademark law as Adjunct (Assistant) Professor at New York University (SCPS). Jasper Hagenberg is a regular speaker on trademark and copyright law at international conferences and events. At Getting the Deal Through, he was listed as a “National expert” for copyright law (Germany) from 2015 to 2017. Since 2016, he has been listed as a franchise expert by Who’s Who Legal Franchise, since 2019 by Who’s Who Legal Germany and since 2020 by Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers for the area of intellectual property under BESTE ANWÄLTE (Germany).“
“Jasper Hagenberg is a prominent name in the German market. He receives endorsements from peers around the world for his expertise in competition and trademark law. He represents franchisors from a broad range of industries and is commended for his superb standard of client service.” (Who’s Who Legal 2017/Franchise)
“Jasper Hagenberg is a highly regarded franchise lawyer with broad commercial experience and deep knowledge of IP law. He is recommended by sources as trusted adviser to national and international franchisors as well.” (Who’s Who Legal 2018/Franchise)
„very competent, excellent cooperation“, competitor; IP (Juve Handbuch 2022/2023)
- Deutschlands Beste Anwälte 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024 Handelsblatt
- Who’s Who Legal Franchise 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Who’s Who Legal Germany (Franchise) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
„Eigenkapitalquote vs. Leverage-Effekt“, Jasper Hagenberg (Co-Autor) // HV Magazin, 02/2013, S. 22 ff
“Bald ein Ende der Rechtsunsicherheit in Sicht?”, Jasper Hagenberg (Co-Autor) // HV Magazin, 02/2012, S. 10-11
“Hauptversammlungen zukünftig ohne Anwesenheit der Aktionäre”, Jasper Hagenberg (Co-Autor) // HV Magazin, 02/2010, S. 14 ff.
“Letzte Rettung vor dem Pflichtangebot nach § 35 WpÜG?”, Jasper Hagenberg (Co-Autor) // Going Public Magazin, 11/2009, S. 76-77
- “Enforcement of rights in Intellectual Property out of a lawyers perspective“, Seminar of the German Lawyers Association /GIZ/Robert Bosch Foundation, Kunming/China, 2016
- “Contractual Provisions for Start-Up companies (GmbH)”, Seminar for Start-Up Entrepreneurs at the Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (KIT), 2012
- Adjunct (Assistant) Professor at NYU (SCPS), 2001 to 2006, lectures on national and international trademark law
- “Convenient aspects of drawing up (Software)-contract arrangements”, Datalog Seminar, Munich, 2004
- “IP protection in a global environment – a comparison of Community Trademarks (CTM) and Trademarks under US law”, CLE Seminar “Intellectual Property in the 21st Century”, NYU (SCPS) New York, 2002