Horst Richard Schmidt


Horst Richard Schmidt, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Horst Richard Schmidt, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Horst Richard Schmidt, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Horst Richard Schmidt, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Horst Richard Schmidt, Rechtsanwalt der Kanzlei Buse Heberer Fromm

Horst Schmidt is a lawyer and Partner at BUSE.

His areas of specialization include commercial and corporate law as well as mergers and acquisitions (advisory and litigation within the fields of partnership and corporate law). Furthermore, his work focuses in particular on the extensive consultancy and representation of a company’s parties or its share purchase agreement, respectively its forensic prosecution of claims of recourse. Moreover, it includes the contractual implementation of investments, their financing and sales (procurement law). This also encompasses forensic and non-forensic dispute resolution and risk management.

Within the scope of his practice in real estate and construction law, Horst Schmidt provides project and construction accompanying legal advice. Thus he advises on project developments and on the development of residential and commercial property as well as on other special purpose properties, such as places of public assembly, clinics, manufacturing and logistics locations. In the field of real estate law, his practice includes legal support in real estate transactions on behalf of both sellers and purchases. He represents them in all kinds of disputes (litigation, arbitration, mediation) concerning architectural and engineering law, private construction law and commercial tenancy law.

Regarding his practice in the area of inheritance law, he offers comprehensive legal advice in all matters concerning the takeover of executorship as well as the distribution of inheritance and succession planning.